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Icon Tutorial

I. Static Usage: Directly written in the template

  • iconify

    • Install the vscode smart prompt plugin: Iconify IntelliSense

    • Find the icon: URL or install vscode - Icônes

    • Determine the icon name: After finding the icon, copy the name such as: 'mdi:emoticon' or 'mdi-emoticon', the corresponding vue template is

        <icon-mdi-emoticon class="text-24px text-red" />
        <icon-mdi:emoticon style="font-size:24px;color:#f00;" />


      'icon-' is a preset prefix, set the variable VITE_ICON_PREFIX in .env

    • Set the style: Apply the style attribute or class attribute directly like the html tag; set the corresponding color and size by setting the color and font-size attributes

  • Local svg icon

    • Choose an svg in the src/assets/svg-icon directory, take its filename, for example: 'custom-icon.svg'

    • The corresponding vue template is

      <icon-local-custom-icon class="text-24px text-red" />


      'icon-local' is a preset prefix, set the variable VITE_ICON_LOCAL_PREFIX in .env

II. Dynamic Rendering: Render corresponding icon based on the icon name

  • iconify

    • Determine the icon name, such as: 'mdi-emoticon'

    • Dynamic rendering

      <svg-icon icon="mdi-emoticon" />
    • Dynamic rendering of multiple icons

      <svg-icon v-for="icon in icons" :key="icon" :icon="icon" class="text-24px text-red" />
  • Local svg icons

    • Determine the svg file name, for example: 'custom-icon.svg'

    • Dynamic rendering

      <svg-icon local-icon="custom-icon" style="font-size:24px;color:#f00;" />


      svg-icon is a global component that has been registered, directly applied in the template, the icon attribute is the iconify icon name, and local-icon is the file name of the local svg icon

III. Rendering through the render function: Suitable for NaiveUI icon rendering

  • Determine the icon name, such as: iconify: 'mdi-emoticon', or local svg icon 'custom-icon.svg'

    • Use useSvgIconRender

      Code location


      import { useSvgIconRender } from '@sa/hooks';
      import SvgIcon from '@/components/custom/svg-icon.vue';
      const { SvgIconVNode } = useSvgIconRender(SvgIcon);
      SvgIconVNode({ icon: 'ant-design:close-outlined', fontSize: 18 }); // iconify
      SvgIconVNode({ localIcon: 'custom-icon' }); // Local svg icon

IV. Offline Loading: Adding Specified Offline Iconify Icon Collections

  • Usage Steps

    • Install dependencies

      ## Include icon component data
      pnpm add @iconify/vue
      ## Include offline icon data
      pnpm add @iconify/json


    The project has already imported the relevant dependencies, so you can directly reference them in the component.

    • Prepare offline icon collection data

      For example, if we need to use the Ant Design icon library in our project, we can introduce offline icons as follows

      import AntDesign from '@iconify/json/json/ant-design.json';
    • Use the addCollection method to add offline icons in the page

      import { addCollection } from '@iconify/vue';
  • Code Example

    <script lang="ts" setup>
    import { Icon, addCollection } from '@iconify/vue';
    import AntDesign from '@iconify/json/json/ant-design.json';
      <Icon icon="ant-design:search" class="text-40px text-success" />

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