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Theme Config


Reference App.Theme.ThemeSetting

source file


Initial Config

export const themeSettings: App.Theme.ThemeSetting = {
  //default config

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Override Update

When a new version is released, the theme config can be updated by configuring the override update method.

export const overrideThemeSettings: Partial<App.Theme.ThemeSetting> = {
  //override config

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About Environment

  • When the project is in dev, the theme config will not be cached, but you can update the theme config by updating thethemeSettings insrc/theme/settings.ts

    To see the changes in the theme config in real-time during the development stage, the theme config will not be cached.

  • When the project is in prod, the theme config will be cached in localStorage

    Each time a new version is released, the theme config can be overridden by updating the overrideThemeSettings in src/theme/settings.ts.

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